Our Offers
Stay up to date with all the offers and promotions of hotel Villa VIK - hotel boutique. The best possible price!
Last minute offer
Need a last-minute vacation?
Don't think twice and book with us now and get up to 15% off.
Reservations and stays valid from 04/04/25 - 30/04/25
15% Summer25
Take advantage of summer 2025 with us and enjoy up to 15% off your stay!
· Reservations valid until 30.06.25
· Stays from 01.09.25 to 31.10.25
EB 15% Inv2526
Do you want to enjoy your holidays next winter at a discount?
Book now and get a 15% discount.
· Stays valid from 11/01/25 to 04/30/26
· Reservations valid until 08/31/25
Additional -10% for residents
Do you live in the Canary Islands?
Enjoy an additional 10% discount on your reservation (see conditions of use)
Our Loyalty Program
VIK Class
Exclusive Discounts
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